Which cushions and carpets for the insulation of its kennel?

Just because your dog’s kennel is outside, it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be comfortable. It is important to guarantee his faithful companion a cozy, comfortable bed in all seasons.

Why choose a cushion or an insulating mat?

In winter, it is essential to protect your pet from the cold. Dogs that live mainly outside the house are more prone to the cold and are likely to be easy prey to frostbite (mainly on sensitive areas such as ears and tail). Therefore, it is important to properly insulate the dog’s kennel to ensure a cozy nest that is safe and warm for the season.
There are a multitude of blankets, cushions or other carpets, but not all of them are designed to protect from the cold. Thanks to the carpet, we will create thickness between the floor and the sensitive body of the animal. Thus, your dog will be protected from the wet, cold and hard ground for a maximum of comfort.

Insulating or thermal blankets

These systems insulate cold, hard and wet floors to provide a cozy comfort for your dog. Depending on the size of the blankets, you can place them inside the kennel and add a fleece blanket for extra softness. Choose polyester preferably with extremely insulating properties. Some models, called “thermal” or “self-heating”, are designed to preserve your pet’s body heat and are very useful in certain regions where it is freezing cold.

100% comfort cushions

Manufactured with waterproof and insulating materials such as absorbent cotton, polyester, teflon… This system favors thickness and comfort. However, be careful not to clutter the kennel and prevent access to your pet.
