How to keep the cat’s kibble?

You have taken special care in choosing the adult cat kibble, kitten kibble and senior cat kibble, but here… Bad surprise! The food got wet and spoiled… Losing all its nutritional quality. They then became inedible, even toxic for your small animal! To prevent this from happening again, find out how to keep the cat’s kibble? Practical tips below!

Why are the kibbles perishable?

All foods deteriorate over time… Naturally! If you leave the packet of cat kibble in a light and damp place, or if you forget to reseal the airtight pouch… The kibbles will get mouldy. Bacteria can settle in peacefully and insects will enjoy this delicious meal.

Air has a negative influence on the packaging of the kibbles. Oxygen degrades the vitamins and fats contained in the food. This is why we advise each Internet user to expel as much air as possible from the bag and to close it well after use.

What are the dangers for my cat?

There are some risks of food poisoning, higher in cats than in dogs. There is a modification of the nutritional properties of the food and in particular a decrease of the global rate of vitamins!

Your pet, with its small muzzle and wary nose, will smell the rancid odor, even minimal, linked to its food. This smell is a direct consequence of fat oxidation. No matter how much you put your nose on it, you won’t smell anything! Thus, he will deny his bowl preferring to hunt beautiful prey in the open air. The cat’s appetite will decrease as well as its energy and weight.

Where to keep the cat’s kibble?

Especially not on the balcony! And yes, it is necessary to make sure that the bag is in a place at room temperature (neither too hot nor too cold), because condensation brings mold to the food. It is preferable to invest in an airtight kibble container or box to avoid any unwanted light. Also read our article “The cat kibble container, what use is it for?

The kibble containers… A good idea?

Yes, because the containers avoid oxidation of the kibble due to humidity, light and air … It is an additional security of conservation. There are various models, for different types of packaging ranging from 2 kg to 20 kg :

  • The kibble box (2 kilos) for the week. It allows you to keep a few kilos of kibbles with the ideal ration for the week. It is more aesthetic and very hermetic.
  • The bag: easy to store, very practical for travelling… The bags ensure an optimal conservation. The price remains affordable: from 8$ to 15$.
  • The storage box (4, 12 and 20kg). It is the easiest item to find in pet shops… With or without wheels, this kind of box is very practical and easy to clean. This avoids opening the bag every day and letting air in.
  • The container for cat food (from 6 to 12kg). Often made of metal, aesthetic with handles, it plays on the principle of optimal and hermetic conservation of the kibbles.

How long can kibbles be kept?

As with our own food, cat food products are subject to use-by dates. The professionals of the feline food industry advise us to keep the kibbles for a maximum of 1 month after opening the bag.

If you exceed the deadline, it is better to throw the kibbles to your little companion, in order to avoid food poisoning. To avoid waste, opt for a smaller packet at the next shopping spree.

Should the kibbles be kept in the original packaging?

It is strongly advised to keep the kibbles in their original bag. This way, in case of a dispute, you keep the serial number of the product, which is essential to file a claim.

In addition, the packaging is specially designed to be airtight. Once you have taken the necessary dose of kibbles… It is necessary to close the bag well and to place it in its container. This indication may seem futile, but we are still far too many to forget it!

In short, for an optimal conservation of your kibbles adopt certain reflexes:

  • Keep the original bag and check the use-by date.
  • Close the package tightly
  • place the bag or empty the kibbles into the container
  • Monitor your pet’s behaviour (expired or not).