Where to place an outdoor bird feeder for the birds of the sky?

For most of us, the best way to start bird watching is to install a bird feeder or nest box. It is important to know that since fewer species are found in winter because of migration, it is the ideal season to feed birds, it will then be easier to attract more of them to observe them. This will allow us to recognize the different species and discover their feeding, migratory and nesting habits.

Some principles

Feeding birds is relatively simple: you can easily do it by scattering seeds or bread crumbs on a table or bench. However, if you are aiming for the long term, it will be necessary to take some extra steps to avoid certain difficulties. The food will need to be protected from the weather as well as from intruders such as squirrels. The feeder should be protected from deposition and droppings. Poor location may make wild birds more vulnerable to predators and other hazards. It will be important to ensure a continuous supply during periods of inclement weather. This will ensure that any outdoor bird that depends on this food source will be able to feed when it wants to, especially after winter storms.

Food for Wild Birds

We can try different foods and then use the ones that our charming birds seem to prefer. Among the most versatile foods are sunflower seeds. There are two kinds: the big striped ones and the small black ones. The latter attract more different species of birds. If desired, only sunflower seeds can be used. When the weather is not too cold, birds like to have their water to drink. They also need to ingest small gravel in order to facilitate their digestion. For this purpose, a little sand, earth, or crushed eggshell can be placed nearby. On the other hand, a little wood ash or salt will provide them with the necessary minerals.

The different species of birds in the gardens

What species of wild birds can be expected to flock? To answer this question, we need to consider several parameters. The region, the climate, the environment, the habitat, the food, the way of life of each species are the factors that will determine which ones will come to visit us. The habitat is one of the most important elements: an area with many trees and shrubs will be most attractive for birds. Before the birds can establish their winter feeding habits, it will be necessary to ensure that they are supplied with food in early fall. A garden with shrubs such as elderberry, saskatoon, lentago, mountain ash, and fragrant apple trees, as well as vines such as Virginia creeper or wild vine will attract fruit-eating birds that are rarely seen at regular feeders. The American Robin will be among those that will winter in an area where this type of food is abundant in the feeder.

Possible difficulties

The most common problem that can sometimes be caused by the feeder is the presence of squirrels. Squirrels can steal a large amount of food but can also damage the wooden feeder. There are squirrel-proof feeders on the market, but you can also make a squirrel-proof feeder by attaching a metal funnel pointing upwards or by threading several discs on the rope. Cats and sometimes dogs can cause more serious problems, such as injuring or killing birds. If your pets are free to move around, avoid hiding places near feeders from which they could attack wild birds. Make sure these are close to natural shelters, such as shrubs, so that outdoor birds can hide easily.

Additional recreational activities

A properly installed feeder can be used for other activities. Photographing or filming wild birds approaching a shelter can also be fun. When taking pictures, be sure to observe how they perch on branches before you get to the outdoor feeder. If you focus on one of these branches, the resulting image will be more natural than those taken from the feeder itself. You can extend the food supply throughout the summer, this will help attract other species and perhaps you will have the pleasure of observing local breeding species coming to the outdoor feeder with their young.
