How to cut a cat’s claws?

Cutting a cat’s claws is a hygienic gesture, simple and perfectly painless, mandatory for all cats living in an apartment. Don’t panic: with a little practice, you will gain in dexterity.

Holding a cat to cut its claws

Place your cat high up on a table. The first time, ask for help from a third person who will hold the animal firmly. During this time, concentrate on the claws to be cut. Once you have done this a few times, you can go solo. If your cat allows it, you can put it on your lap with your back to you. Before you start, talk to him gently, caress him for a moment to calm him down and gain his confidence.

Use a claw trimmer

Push the claws out by pressing on the plantar pad. Press gently on the last phalanx of the claw to be cut. Using a nail clipper (accessory available in pet stores or at the veterinarian’s), cut the translucent part of the nail. Don’t panic: it’s completely painless for your cat. Be careful not to touch the pink part, which would cause a slight bleeding. In this case, disinfect with a cotton pad soaked in biseptin.

Clip your cat’s claws every month.

It is preferable to renew the cut of the front claws at least once a month. Only take care of the hind legs every other month, if you feel that their length is bothering your pet. If your cat moves too much and you don’t feel comfortable, ask your veterinarian for advice. He or she will show you how to proceed so that you can try again quietly at home.

Offer your cat a scratching post

Clipping her claws won’t take away your cat’s desire to make her claws on your furniture or carpets. Offer him a scratching post, a doormat or better yet a cat tree so he can continue to let off steam. Introduce your kitten to scratching as soon as she arrives home. Take it regularly in front of the scratching post and rub its paws on it to show it. Soak the scratching post with catnip (nepeta), a plant that cats love. Many models are sold with bags of grass or are already scented with it.
