Cat food or kibble: Why alternate?

Does your cat prefer kibble or formula? The choice may seem complicated. That said, you should choose a wet and/or dry food adapted to your feline’s nutritional needs. It contains all the vitamins and minerals your pet needs to stay healthy.
What are the good reasons for alternating between wet and dry food for your cat? Let’s take a look at a quality food alternation dedicated to your cat.

The benefits of cat food

Classified as a wet food, cat food is a meat and water rich food that perfectly hydrates your feline. This will help eliminate toxins and prevent possible kidney infections. It also helps your cat grow, as long as it doesn’t contain too much sugar. The tempting aromas will attract your pet, even the most demanding. The best pate is served at room temperature, rather than from the refrigerator.

The downside is the packaging. Usually offered in individual trays or boxes, it can only be kept for a maximum of 24 hours.

The advantages of cat food

Cat food is a dry food because of its mixture of meat, fish, cereals, eggs and vitamin supplements. Because the nutrients are processed at high temperatures, the water in the basic food evaporates. That’s why it’s strongly recommended to leave a water bowl next to your kibble dispenser.

Eating kibble will help your cat maintain its oral hygiene for a long time.

If you have a cat that is difficult to feed, offering kibble is a good solution. Indeed, their greedy flavors and their crunchy constitution will make him want to eat them without hesitation. To keep them fresh and avoid oxidation, our experts recommend keeping them airtight and protected at room temperature.

The differences between kibble and pate

With kibble, your cat gets into the habit of chewing, so it naturally cleans its teeth and keeps its breath healthy. Chewing activates blood circulation in the gums and minimizes the risk of tartar and plaque build-up.

Kibbles have a longer shelf life than food. It is easier to distribute and ration them on a daily basis. In this case, the use of a kibble dispenser is ideal for your cat to be independent at mealtime.

On the digestive level, kibble is an excellent nutrient and is more easily digested than food, which is not recommended if your pet has digestive problems. You will have more choice in selecting the appropriate kibble for your cat’s diet. There are several ranges adapted to your pet’s profile and sensitive pathology, such as grain-free kibbles for spayed or neutered cats, adults or kittens.

Even if your cat needs water throughout the day, the pate has a high water content of up to 80%, which guarantees optimal hydration.

If your cat is prone to kidney failure and the risk of urinary crystals or stones, eating food will help reduce these types of infections.

In addition, the essential vitamins and minerals present in the food are not altered, unlike dry food. You should be careful with first price kibbles, which are usually made up of large quantities of cereals and little meat. These kibbles are rich in carbohydrates and low in protein and are not suitable for a cat’s carnivorous diet. On the other hand, pâté is similar to your cat’s natural diet because of its delicious composition that exalts its taste buds.

Ideally, you should offer your cat a few kibbles and a little pâté at each meal. This way, your cat will enjoy all the nutritional benefits of both foods. This mixed diet allows you to offer your cat a well balanced diet. Our quality products in kibble or cat food will satisfy your cat, no matter how picky he is.
