4 tips to take beautiful vacation photos of your pet

Photography allows us to keep a beautiful memory of a particular moment or a person, when he is the main subject of our shot or when we pose beside him. So, it is quite logical to want to do it with our pet whom we care so much about, but it is not always easy!
If your pet is lucky enough to accompany you on your vacation, we give you 4 tips to immortalize the place of your summer escapades, with him!

1/ A few technical adjustments are necessary

Whether it’s a camera or a smartphone, it is important to make some adjustments beforehand on your camera.
If your animal is rather agitated, it is important to focus in order to get the sharpest pictures possible. Our advice: do it at the level of its eyes to capture all the beauty of its expressions.
Finally, if he can’t hold still, activate the “burst” mode of your camera in the hope of getting a nice shot among many missed photos!

2/ The importance of the luminosity

You don’t need a professional camera to take nice pictures when you can take advantage of a good luminosity. So, avoid taking pictures when the weather is gloomy or, again, in the early evening, when the light starts to be scarce.
Finally, be careful with backlighting and make sure that the light is not in front of your model, at the risk that he or she is dazzled and closes his or her eyes on the photos!

3/ Choose a beautiful setting

If you are lucky enough to spend your vacations in a dream setting, take advantage of it to make it the background of your photos: colorful houses, beach, flowery garden, mountain…

Also, in order to emphasize the background, but also your model, it is important to place yourself at his height in order to be able to capture his look and his expressions at best.

4/ Put him at ease

Photographing a model means being in close proximity to it, camera in hand. Nevertheless, animals that appreciate this are rare and the most annoyed ones take advantage of it to look away. It is therefore important to put your little model at ease and to think about his well-being so that he is perfectly photogenic, motivated and has a rather pleasant time. For that, join to the photo session his favorite treats or his favorite toy to stimulate him.
However, if you notice that he is more in the mood to have fun than to concentrate, do not insist and cancel or postpone the session.
